Monday, February 21, 2011

Double appointment

I was really looking forward to having the physiatrist and physical therapist compare opinions at this appointment.
Unfortunately, when we arrived, we found out that the therapist was out with a family emergency. The doctor came in with two medical students. I am happy to have them there to learn, but it was a little overwhelming for Cecilia to have Brian, my Dad and me in a very small room with three strangers . Most of the time she sat in my lap, snuggled up and shy. Cecilia never sits still like this. Because of the way Cecilia reacted the doctor really didn't see her physical capabilities. The end result is still positive so he must have seen enough in his opinion.
We discussed the therapists opinion of not needing a leg brace and the doctor agreed. Yay!
He examined her right leg and said we need to watch her leg length. It might be a little different as she grows. He did try taking the left foam lift our of her shoe and it did have a negative impact on her walking. At this point it seems like her leg length is good.
Overall the doctor is a very observant, but quiet person. He spent most of this appointment watching and making small comments. I would love more feedback from him, but it seems like we are doing well so at this point we'll stick with him. We don't have to go back to see him for a year! He said if we notice her tightening up we should come and check in with him.