Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We have been waiting for over a month to get in to see the physical therapist and the occupational therapist. Both of the first appointments are two hours. I can't imagine what we will do that whole time, but I am sure it will be amazing. The PT is tomorrow. I know Cecilia will get fitted for her AFO (Ankle Foot Orthoses) at this appointment. I am really curious about how this will help her.
One of the symptoms that Dr. Steve asked us about and pointed out at our first appointment was if Cecilia kept her right hand in a fist a lot. We really hadn't noticed it. She definitely was left dominant, but we weren't sure. This is something that I pay attention to all the time now. The first week or so I was surprised how much I noticed her hand in a fist, but it wasn't all the time. As the weeks have passed I have noticed her starting to do more with her right hand. I am hoping that the occupational therapist will give us lots of feedback about how great her right hand is. It's so incredible how you can be looking at the big picture that is your child's life, but when they have any challenge, sickness(even the sniffles) or something not quite right you pay attention to every little detail. We get a little excited every time she uses her right hand. The fact that she can pick up a small piece of ice with her right hand and put it in her mouth is very reassuring to me.


  1. Hi Mariah,
    Just saw your blog. I think this blogging will be a good thing for you. I started one about 3 years ago, though not too good with keeping it up! It's helped me write about Keith and all that's happened. Today happens to be his birthday, and although some may not believe these things, I know he watches over all our family, especially my nieces and nephew! So, Cecilla has her own angel !
    It seems like you have a good Dr. and that you like and trust him. I wish we lived closer so I could help you both with whatever you needed.
    Love and angel hugs

  2. Hi Mariah,

    I keep a blog & a journal also, and have for years. They are very good for me. Sounds like you & Cecilia have a great doctor. I will be anxious to hear about your PT appointment tomorrow and the OT appointment next week. Write down all your questions. Keep us posted & I will be thinking about you both. Blessings, Vicki

  3. Love the blog! I have noticed C using her right hand more too from all the time I've been lucky enough to spend with her. These appointments will be great and so interesting to see how all of this will help her! We have a Halloween present for her- I am looking forward to giving it to you guys on Saturday. See you Friday! Lots of love!

  4. I can't wait to hear about the PT appointment!
